About Us

Education is evolving. The student of the twenty-first century has to attend hours of lectures, prepare notes, appear for weekly tests, and submit homework, assignments, and projects. All of these impact the overall grades of the student. With such a busy schedule, they barely have time to complete all these tasks. Hence, they turn to professional assignment help websites for assistance.

TutorChamps is the brainchild of two tech experts who realized that there was a huge gap between demand and supply in the online homework help space. They spent some time researching the market and found that the primary disconnect was the lack of academic experts offering these services. This led to the birth of TutorChamps in 2016. The idea was simple – hire academic experts with an experience in writing reports, assignments, projects, essays, etc. and connect them with the students that need assistance.

Within a year, the founders of TutorChamps realized that their initial assessment was right and students were very happy to talk to an expert for queries and doubts and have that expert do their homework for them. They spend more time understanding various academic disciplines where student need assistance and looking for academic experts in those fields of study. By 2018, TutorChamps received its first contract from the United States. This was the start of a journey of growth and learning.

Today, TutorChamps has over 3000 experts works tirelessly to help students complete their tasks and boost their grades. As the number of students approaching them increased, they ensured that the maintain the high levels of quality and time delivery of assignments.