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How to Write An Argumentative Essay in 2024? Step-by-Step Guide

An argumentative essay presents a lengthy defense of a certain thesis point. The author takes a strong stance on their subject and builds a convincing case for it based on evidence.

Some students may find it difficult to write an argumentative essay because it appears to be excessively complicated and convoluted. This style of paper can also be used as part of a coursework assignment.

What exactly is an argumentative essay? What characteristics distinguish a good argumentative essay? How to write an argumentative essay? What are the best ways to achieve a decent score on your argumentative essay? If you're looking for answers to these questions, you've come to the right place. Allow us to address all of your concerns with argumentative essays.

Learn how you can write an argumentative essay with the help of an essay writing service by reading this post.

What is an Argumentative Essay?

Argumentative essays, like persuasive essays and other types of writing, are intended to persuade the reader of a particular point of view. The approach of persuasion is what distinguishes an argumentative essay: To argue that its thesis is correct, an argumentative essay uses fact-based evidence and unassailable reasoning.

Persuasive essays achieve the same thing, but they're less formal and more emotional. Persuasive essays appeal to the reader's emotions more than argumentative essays, which rely on real empirical data. To put it another way, argumentative essays value quantitative evidence whereas persuasive essays value qualitative evidence.

It's also simple to mix between argumentative and expository essays, which both rely significantly on fact-based evidence and extensive research. The key distinction is bias: argumentative essays assume one point of view is true, whereas explanatory essays frequently provide all sides of an argument and let the reader decide for themselves.

Another distinguishing feature of argumentative essays is that the thesis is not immediately apparent. It usually faces enough opposition that an explanation of why it is incorrect is required. "The sky is blue on a sunny day," for example, would be a terrible thesis for an argumentative essay. It would not only be redundant, but it would also be way too simplistic: Your proof may be as simple as "look outside," and that would be the end of it!

The notion is that an argumentative essay proves or disproves opposing views, leaving no doubt that the thesis is correct. As a result, argumentative essays don't just explore the writer's thesis; they also discuss various opposing viewpoints. It's difficult to declare one perspective "truth" while ignoring all the others.

When should an Argumentative Essay be Written?

In high school or in composition class, you can be assigned to write an argumentative essay as a writing practice. The prompt may use terms like "argue" or "argument" to invite you to argue for one of two perspectives. It'll almost always be in the form of a question.

For instance: A Prompt for a two-sided argumentative essay

Is there a net beneficial or negative impact on education as a result of the internet's rise? Provide facts to back up your argument.

In terms of the possible arguments you may make, the prompt could also be more open-ended.

For instance: Prompt for an argumentative essay

What is the most concerning problem confronting youth of today?

College-level argumentative writing

The great majority of essays or papers you write at university will include some type of argumentation. Rhetorical and literary analysis essays, for example, both include making arguments about texts.

You won't necessarily be ordered to write an argumentative essay in this situation, but making an evidence-based case is an important goal of most academic writing, and unless you're told differently, this should be your default strategy.

Argumentative essay prompts examples

All of the prompts below imply that an argumentative essay is an acceptable response at the university level.

Your research should bring you to a definite point of view on the subject. The essay then presents your evidence, evaluation, and analysis to persuade the reader of your point of view.

Example 1: Analyse the effect of anti-discrimination policies in the workplace during the last decade.

❌ Don't merely give a sample of statistics on the success of the initiatives.

✔ Make your case for which kind of measures have shown to be the most or least effective, and why.

Example 2: Discuss the implications of globalization on the Egyptian economy.

❌ Don't just make a list of every possible effect.

✔ Develop a focused case based on evidence from sources about the overall effect and why it matters.

Structure of an Argumentative Essay

First paragraph: Background with Thesis Statement

You want to 'hook' the reader with your opening statement. This serves as a seamless transition to your background and thesis statement, where you will eventually establish your point of view on the subject. You may begin with a startling figure that isn't widely known in the industry. You can be as creative as you want here, as long as you stick to scientific or academic writing conventions. That means no personal experiences, motivational quotes, or anything like that. Those are best saved for narrative writing.

Then, to set the stage for the rest of your essay, give some background on your subject. Respond to the following questions to engage the reader:

- What is the significance of this issue?

- What are the underlying causes of this issue?

- What or who is impacted?

- Are there any possible solutions?

- Is there anything that can or should be done about it?

For example, if the issue is gender inequality in the workplace, you can provide research findings that demonstrate the disparity in earnings between men and women who perform the same job.

Body paragraphs: Elaborate on your arguments and provide evidence

It's preferable to devote one paragraph to each of your argument's supporting points. The following three parts must always be present in all arguments or body paragraphs:

  • Part 1: Make a claim

A claim is a statement you make to back up your point of view. It's essentially a justification for why your thesis statement is correct.

Example: The imposition of a sin tax on products depending on their sugar content will immediately limit consumer use of highly sugary products.

  • Part 2: Proof and Explanation

Every assertion you make should be backed up with relevant evidence and an explanation of how that evidence backs you up. This is where you'll put your research findings from reliable sources.

Example: A case study of a sin tax that reduced consumption.

Measure D, the first soda tax in the United States, was supported by 76 percent of Berkeley voters on November 4, 2014, and went into effect on January 1, 2015. Distributors of sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, and sweetened iced teas will be subject to a one-cent-per-ounce levy. After a few months, a UC Berkeley researcher found a 21% decrease in soda and sugary beverage consumption in low-income Berkeley neighborhoods, indicating that the sin tax was reducing sugary drink consumption.

  • Part 3: Relate to the thesis

This shows that levying a sin tax on sugary drinks is one strategy to curb sugar-based product consumption. (Assuming your thesis is about strategies to reduce sugary product consumption and how to do it.)

Additional Paragraphs: Disputing Your Arguments and Reinforcing Your Claims

Paragraphs addressing counterarguments are also included in a solid argumentative essay. This indicates your understanding of the topic as well as your awareness of current counter-arguments, which will impress the majority of readers. If you're writing at a university level, however, you'll virtually always be asked to do so.

How you reject these counterarguments and turn them around to reinforce your thesis statement and/or supporting points will determine the success of these additional paragraphs. It's always a good idea to talk about these counterarguments with classmates or someone who holds a different point of view to figure out how to deconstruct and counter them.

Conclusion: Recapitulating and Closing with Impact

The conclusion summarises your thesis statement and main reasons, attempting to persuade the reader that your point of view is the most valid. Here are some suggestions for how to end your essay:

- Don't forget to include a call to action. Inspire and persuade the reader to agree with your point of view. Tell them what they need to think, feel, or believe going forward.

- Give examples of hypotheticals. Show the sequence of events that will occur if the reader accepts your thoughts. Use real-world examples from the past or present to bring these depictions to life.

- Consider the "broad picture." What are the consequences of accepting (or not adopting) your ideas if you're advocating for policy changes? What impact will they have on the reader (or the target audience)?

The Writing Steps of an Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essays use the same writing process as other types of writing but place a greater focus on research and preparation. Here are the best ways to write an argumentative essay in a nutshell:

  • Brainstorming:

If your argument isn't in the assignment, spend some time coming up with a good thesis using the principles above.

  • Gathering Evidence and Outlining: 

In this step, you will gather all of the evidence for your essay as well as write an outline. Set up plenty of time for research until you have all of the evidence you require for your argumentative essay. It's also a good time to plan out your essay, including when and how to discuss alternative points of view.

  • Drafting: 

Create an outline for your essay. Any facts and direct quotes should be included as soon as feasible, especially in argumentative essays that frequently cite other sources.

  • Revising: 

Clean up your rough draught, improve your word choice, and reorganize your arguments as needed. Make sure your language is clear and appropriate for the reader, and double-check that all of your ideas and rebuttals were properly made.

  • Proofreading: 

Go over your manuscript and focus solely on correcting errors. Although it is optional, having a fresh set of eyes on your writings before finalizing them is always beneficial.

The Final Takeaway

Make sure to consider each of the tips to write an argumentative essay listed below when writing and constructing your final document.

  • Choose a topic and check for counter-arguments.
  • To avoid sounding biased, gather research on both sides of the argument.
  • Make certain that all of the information in your argumentative essay are correct.
  • To improve your success on these tasks, follow guides that show you how to write an argumentative essay step by step.
  • You will lose marks if you do not correctly structure the essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Outline all the information you'll need before you start writing.
  • Keep in mind to cite your sources and avoid plagiarism.
  • Have others read your work to see whether it persuades them.
  • Do not include your viewpoint in your work. Stick to the most important facts and proof.
  • Run your paper through a grammar and plagiarism checker just in case.

And that's all there is to it! Yes, it's a time-consuming procedure, but it's worth it if you want to enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities while still receiving good grades on your essays.

Once you've revised and implemented these writing suggestions, you'll be one step closer to mastering the art of writing an argumentative essay. You can also put a “how to write an argumentative essay” in case you direly ask for essay writing help; for sure we’ll come to your rescue.

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